JavaScript 事件
HTML 与 JavaScript 的的相互作用,是通过用户或浏览器操作页面时出现的事件来进行处理的。
开发人员可以使用这些事件来执行 JavaScript 编码响应,将点击按钮、关闭窗口、数据验证和几乎任何其他可以想象的响应类型等消息显示给用户。
事件是文档对象模型 (DOM) 级别3 的一部分,每个 HTML 元素包含一组可以触发 JavaScript 代码的事件。
为了更好地理解 HTML 事件,在这里我们将会看到几个示例,以了解事件和 JavaScript 的关系:
onclick 事件类型
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function sayHello() { alert("Hello World") } //--> </script> </head> <body> <p>Click the following button and see result</p> <form> <input type="button" onclick="sayHello()" value="Say Hello" /> </form> </body> </html>
onsubmit 事件类型
onsubmit 是当你尝试提交表单时出现的事件。你可以通过这种事件类型对你提交的表单进行验证。
下面的示例演示如何使用 onsubmit。在将数据提交到 web 服务器之前,我们先调用 validate() 验证函数。如果 validate() 函数返回 true,则提交表单,否则它不会提交表单的数据。
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validation() { all validation goes here ......... return either true or false } //--> </script> </head> <body> <form method="POST" action="t.cgi" onsubmit="return validate()"> ....... <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </body> </html>
onmouseover 和 onmouseout
这两个事件类型将帮助您创建很好的效果,该效果基于图像或文本等。onmouseover 是当你把你的鼠移到任何元素时进行事件触发,onmouseout 是当你将鼠标从某个元素移开时进行事件触发。请尝试下面的示例。
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function over() { document.write ("Mouse Over"); } function out() { document.write ("Mouse Out"); } //--> </script> </head> <body> <p>Bring your mouse inside the division to see the result:</p> <div onmouseover="over()" onmouseout="out()"> <h2> This is inside the division </h2> </div> </body> </html>
HTML 5 标准事件
这里列出了标准的 HTML5 事件供您参考。在这里 script 表明了执行具体某个 Javascript 函数来响应该事件。
Attribute | Value | Description |
Offline | script | Triggers when the document goes offline |
Onabort | script | Triggers on an abort event |
onafterprint | script | Triggers after the document is printed |
onbeforeonload | script | Triggers before the document loads |
onbeforeprint | script | Triggers before the document is printed |
onblur | script | Triggers when the window loses focus |
oncanplay | script | Triggers when media can start play, but might has to stop for buffering |
oncanplaythrough | script | Triggers when media can be played to the end, without stopping for buffering |
onchange | script | Triggers when an element changes |
onclick | script | Triggers on a mouse click |
oncontextmenu | script | Triggers when a context menu is triggered |
ondblclick | script | Triggers on a mouse double-click |
ondrag | script | Triggers when an element is dragged |
ondragend | script | Triggers at the end of a drag operation |
ondragenter | script | Triggers when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target |
ondragleave | script | Triggers when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target |
ondragover | script | Triggers at the start of a drag operation |
ondragstart | script | Triggers at the start of a drag operation |
ondrop | script | Triggers when dragged element is being dropped |
ondurationchange | script | Triggers when the length of the media is changed |
onemptied | script | Triggers when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty. |
onended | script | Triggers when media has reach the end |
onerror | script | Triggers when an error occur |
onfocus | script | Triggers when the window gets focus |
onformchange | script | Triggers when a form changes |
onforminput | script | Triggers when a form gets user input |
onhaschange | script | Triggers when the document has change |
oninput | script | Triggers when an element gets user input |
oninvalid | script | Triggers when an element is invalid |
onkeydown | script | Triggers when a key is pressed |
onkeypress | script | Triggers when a key is pressed and released |
onkeyup | script | Triggers when a key is released |
onload | script | Triggers when the document loads |
onloadeddata | script | Triggers when media data is loaded |
onloadedmetadata | script | Triggers when the duration and other media data of a media element is loaded |
onloadstart | script | Triggers when the browser starts to load the media data |
onmessage | script | Triggers when the message is triggered |
onmousedown | script | Triggers when a mouse button is pressed |
onmousemove | script | Triggers when the mouse pointer moves |
onmouseout | script | Triggers when the mouse pointer moves out of an element |
onmouseover | script | Triggers when the mouse pointer moves over an element |
onmouseup | script | Triggers when a mouse button is released |
onmousewheel | script | Triggers when the mouse wheel is being rotated |
onoffline | script | Triggers when the document goes offline |
onoine | script | Triggers when the document comes online |
ononline | script | Triggers when the document comes online |
onpagehide | script | Triggers when the window is hidden |
onpageshow | script | Triggers when the window becomes visible |
onpause | script | Triggers when media data is paused |
onplay | script | Triggers when media data is going to start playing |
onplaying | script | Triggers when media data has start playing |
onpopstate | script | Triggers when the window's history changes |
onprogress | script | Triggers when the browser is fetching the media data |
onratechange | script | Triggers when the media data's playing rate has changed |
onreadystatechange | script | Triggers when the ready-state changes |
onredo | script | Triggers when the document performs a redo |
onresize | script | Triggers when the window is resized |
onscroll | script | Triggers when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled |
onseeked | script | Triggers when a media element's seeking attribute is no longer true, and the seeking has ended |
onseeking | script | Triggers when a media element's seeking attribute is true, and the seeking has begun |
onselect | script | Triggers when an element is selected |
onstalled | script | Triggers when there is an error in fetching media data |
onstorage | script | Triggers when a document loads |
onsubmit | script | Triggers when a form is submitted |
onsuspend | script | Triggers when the browser has been fetching media data, but stopped before the entire media file was fetched |
ontimeupdate | script | Triggers when media changes its playing position |
onundo | script | Triggers when a document performs an undo |
onunload | script | Triggers when the user leaves the document |
onvolumechange | script | Triggers when media changes the volume, also when volume is set to "mute" |
onwaiting | script | Triggers when media has stopped playing, but is expected to resume |